In the hands of experts

You need a coach who is a master of his game. Who has a track record of proven success. Once such a coach is matched with your learning style, you can develop a rapport right from the start.  All our coaches have undergone a rigorous screening process to gauge their skills and domain knowledge so that you get only the best. They are people with traits like empathy and patience, and a genuine interest in supporting you. You will get the combined power of excellent subject-matter support and  human touch.   

Here’s what one of the mentees has to say about coaching power: 

“In 2010, my company had a turnover of 200 crore. I dreamt of scaling up to 1,000 crores. And in seven years, I managed it. The dream couldn’t have been realized without my coach. My coach, helped me turn my small family-run business into an over 1,000-employee organization”- Zelam  Chaubal, director of Pune-based Kesari Tours


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